Today I've been cleaning my craft room for like the billionth day in a row. Well when I glanced at the clock, it said 7:00. Seven o'clock?! Really? The end of the day after a long day of school always seems to fly by. Anyway it was already seven o'clock and I hadn't eaten anything yet, so I walked down stairs to scour the fridge knowing that I wanted a chicken/bean/rice/spinach burrito(that sounds gross, ha). But guess threw the chicken/bean/rice stuff away even though she made it like a day ago.
After a few more minutes of sorting through everything we had I came to the conclusion there was nothing that I felt was worth eating. My mom came to help, but she wasn't helping. There was nothing I wanted. After several
more minutes we came up with nothing. I was getting frustrated and we were a tad bit mad at each other and she said "So now you're going to go blog about this. That we just have no food worth you eating" and I said "Fine then I will."
So here I am blogging about it, but you know why? Well even though I feel I have nothing good to eat the truth is I do. I have a pantry full of canned soups, vegetables, fruits, etc; a fridge with fresh fruits and veggies, cheese, milk, eggs, yogurt; and counter tops with bread and even more fruit. But the thing is,
I'm lucky. There are kids out there who have no food. They would do anything for a slice of bread or for a cup of soup. And here I am complaining that I have nothing to eat while I really have all that food right here in my house. Children in my own country will go to bed tonight with an empty stomach because they can't afford to eat.
Some have more than they could ever need while some live
not having near enough of what they need. |
I know that I take my life and the blessings I have for granted. That I should appreciate these things that I've been given and use what I don't need to help others. I volunteer at the food pantry to serve meals, I donate food the to soup kitchens, and participate in fundraisers and give to organizations. But is that enough? I always feel like there's more that I could do. To just help out a little more in some way. Sometimes I feel unfit and think I'm just a teen is this really my problem and could I really change things. The truth is I can. We do have the power to help. Even if it's small. That one night a month volunteering at the soup kitchen,
it helps. The dollar you gave to that organization,
that might feed a child on the other side of the world for a day. The box of macarooni you dropped in the box at school for the food pantry
, that'll be a meal for one or two people who might not have eaten otherwise. These actions might not seem like much, but if we all did one of these things our world would be better. So don't go on living thinking that your little action doesn't do much. It does. And don't take what you have for granted because someone out there is longing to have it. Sadly it seems that the only thing that has to do with 'hunger' that most of America seems concerned with is the Hunger Games. So remember to do what you can and always think of those less fortunate than you.
Goodnight lovelies :)
~Miss Lyss
Great post! I totally agree! I definitely know I take things for granted. It's so sad how there are people out there starving while I have a fridge full of food. I'll try do think of something small I can do to help. :)