Right now: Blogging, but supposed to be doing homework! Surprise, surprise!!
Eating: Natural Cheetos (I was disappointed when I came home to find that there was only a handful of Cheetos left....dad was a pig after church I guess. edit: mom confessed, it was her. she also went to target during work to try and replace them only to find out they don't carry them. only the grocery on the highway does mom :P)
Drinking: Milk (like five minutes ago...does that count?)
Watching: TV (I'm real informative yo! hehe)
Frowning Because: My Internet is going wacko (5 minutes on 2 minutes off...grrrr)
Smiling Because: Life is good.
Listening to: The radio a country song singing about 1980someting. I don't know the title, but ya know.
Highlight of Day: Talking to Mr. Geometry and his friend. I made a paper heat and Mr. asked for it 'since we're in love'...awkward because he just may be my crush...haha...then I found five dollars(just kidding, but didn't that make the story so much better?!)
Low-Point of Day: When I had to walk all alone in PE. It's not like I don't do it everyday, but it's lonely. And shouldn't PE be like actual excercise instead of walking?!(ours we warm up and then walk...so. much. fun....sarcasticness)
~Miss Lyss
Hope you have a wonderful evening/morning/noon/night :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Inspiration Escapes Me
Inspiration has failed me. Therefore I turn to some Pinspiration

via (free crochet pattern!)
Isn't this little guy just the cutest?! I'm crocheting a Valentines Day penguin and he's almost done! Maybe I'll try my hand at Mr. Brobee(That's his name) next.
I kind of want someone to have a party just so I can make this!

This pretty much explains me. And I love mason jars. It's true.

They just dipped a straw in fingernail polish! How cute!!
Well, I still have little inspiration so I'm going to go live life now and see if I can find some.
~Miss Lyss
What do you guys do when inspiration escapes you?!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dear Boys
I thought this would be fun to do today. Linking to Elise's Pieces.
Dear Drive Me Crazy Yoga Buddy,
Get some bigger pants.
Scarred for life
Dear So last year,
I don't know what I saw in you. I'm glad I don't see it anymore :)
Love never,
What did I ever see...
Dear Yoga Girl,
Yes I know you're a girl, but your actions today clearly show you should have been a man.
This girl, who actually acts like a lady.
Dear Nick Jonas,
You're dreamy.
Your fan,
Miss Lyss
Dear Mr. Meany Head,
Being a meanie head doesn't make you attractive. At least you apologized. It's okay, I still like you. And you're cute...
Miss Lyss
Dear Daddy,
I don't always tell you, but I love you lots.
Love Always,
Your little girl
Dear Boys in General,
Some advice? Treat girls right. Don't lead them on or get their hopes up for nothing. Be their bestfriend first before you even think of anything more. And remember not every friend that's a girl has to be your girlfriend.
~Miss Lyss
Ps...I'm working on an about me. Did you know it's kind of hard to write about yourself?! What do you guys and other people want to know? Anything?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Hannah Montana, Life Lesson
I had a genius idea for my post today, but I forgot it :( I really should write things down!
Oh wait!! It's a life lesson. I remember now. In geometry we somehow got to the topic of life is what you make it. Me being me immediately started singing(in my head) "Life's What You Make It" by Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus(I get confused which to say).
Well, minus the fact that I'm quoting a Hannah Montana song, I really do think this is important to remember in life. Life is what YOU make it. Sure some major events and catastrophes can change things, but you choose how to handle them. A tornado could destroy your home and you could be depressed or angry or you could realize that while your home is important, what is more important is your life and your family.
Don't let no small frustration
Ever bring you down
No, no, no, no
Just take a situation
And turn it all around
With a new attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be
Stay mad, why do that? Give yourself a break
Laugh about it and you'll see
Every event in life, you choose your attitude and actions. No one else can force you to be happy or sad, only you choose. No one can make you have a bad attitude, while they might be a cause of your attitude, you choose if you're going to get on with life or be angry because of something.
Things are looking up anytime you want
All you gotta do is realize that
It's under your control
So let the good times rock and roll!
Oh wait!! It's a life lesson. I remember now. In geometry we somehow got to the topic of life is what you make it. Me being me immediately started singing(in my head) "Life's What You Make It" by Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus(I get confused which to say).
Well, minus the fact that I'm quoting a Hannah Montana song, I really do think this is important to remember in life. Life is what YOU make it. Sure some major events and catastrophes can change things, but you choose how to handle them. A tornado could destroy your home and you could be depressed or angry or you could realize that while your home is important, what is more important is your life and your family.
Don't let no small frustration
Ever bring you down
No, no, no, no
Just take a situation
And turn it all around
With a new attitude everything can change
Make it how you want it to be
Stay mad, why do that? Give yourself a break
Laugh about it and you'll see
Every event in life, you choose your attitude and actions. No one else can force you to be happy or sad, only you choose. No one can make you have a bad attitude, while they might be a cause of your attitude, you choose if you're going to get on with life or be angry because of something.
All you gotta do is realize that
It's under your control
So let the good times rock and roll!
While I may be quoting Hannah Montana, I think we should all realize(even me), that life is what we make it. If I want a happy life, I need to start seeing the good in everything and always have a positive attitude. I know this isn't possible all the time, but I just have to realize that it is in my control and I can do something about it.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a motivational speaker! ha! Have a good day and remember life is what you make it!
~Miss Lyss
Oh and is it weird that I think I watched almost the whole final season of Hannah Montana and enjoyed it? I remember the first episode. I guess it will just always be a part of me and my childhood. :)
Monday, January 23, 2012
I thought if would be fun to do a 'Confessions' post maybe once a week. Not really major confessions, just random facts about me that you probably don't know. Okay so let's start this off.
That's all for now! Oh and respond to the poll if you'd like to! I'd love your answers. I'm a curious person and by no means will judge you!!! Even though I only have five followers I'd still love your answers. And your comments, they're so sweet and they make me so happy! Thanks :)
~Miss Lyss
I have a confession....I've never had a boyfriend. Again, I don't really see this as a confession, but just a fact about me. For many teens this seems shocking. The other day I got a text from my younger cousin that said, "Don't be sad, but have you ever been kissed?" I was kind of shocked by this question and I told him the answer was no and that I wasn't mad or sad about it.

It's not like I don't talk to guys or anything. Last year there was a guy that I may have liked and I was like 80% sure he liked me(the rest of the my friends and classmates informed me that they were 100% sure). As you probably have guessed, nothing ever came of it and now I am glad because he has changed a lot and is just way different and I have probably changed also.

Anywhooo...I told my cousin that more than anything I was proud of it. It shows that I'm strong and I don't need a guy to get through life as a teenager. To me it seems that so many girls my age are all over guys and this leads them to nothing but heartbreak. (Don't get me wrong there are some couples who take it slow and genuinely care about each other.) I've also seen girls be all over their boyfriends and just leave their friends hanging and I would not want to do that. Then, when there's a fight or a break up they have no true friends to turn to.

I guess part of it is also I'm afraid to risk everything with someone and then lose it, but I guess life is about taking chances and honestly I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world. The thing is I kind of want to be in a relationship, but I shouldn't because wanting could lead to awful things.

That's all for now! Oh and respond to the poll if you'd like to! I'd love your answers. I'm a curious person and by no means will judge you!!! Even though I only have five followers I'd still love your answers. And your comments, they're so sweet and they make me so happy! Thanks :)
~Miss Lyss
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I interrupt you normal blog post...
I interrupt your normal blog post to re-design my blog for the billionth time. I kinda like the wood. I'm a country girl whether I admit it or not and this wood makes me swoon :) It's true. Anywhoo I made a new button, but it's extremely large even after I shrunk it once. I'll fix that tomorrow. Oh and feel free to grab it!! haha I plan on making a blogs I like page, but that'll happen when I have time. When I'll have time?? I don't know!!
Bye for now, and don't forget to smile!!
~Miss Lyss
Oh and picnik is closing!! Closing!!! I'm gonna cry. I love that place...any suggestions for new picnik-like sites? I made my header and button in picnik and I don't know if you can do that in any other free image editing places.
Bye for now, and don't forget to smile!!
~Miss Lyss
Oh and picnik is closing!! Closing!!! I'm gonna cry. I love that place...any suggestions for new picnik-like sites? I made my header and button in picnik and I don't know if you can do that in any other free image editing places.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Smile :)
Last semester, at the beginning of yoga class another girl told me, "You're always just smiling and so happy, it just makes me happy. " It's not just once she told me that either! It's kind of cool to know that even something simple as just me smiling could make her happier also. When you think about it though, your attitude has such an impact on other people. Something so simple as you smiling at them could even make their day.
Sometimes I see people who look nice(in appearance), but their awful attitudes or looks on their face just ruin everything and can even put other people into a bad attitude! I guarantee that you are more beautiful when you smile, so don't forget to do it. And do it often.

I would like a pillow like this. Seems easy to make just felt and it would always be in my house reminding me and others to smile.
Well, lesson of the day: Smile.
"Let your smile change the world. But don't let the world change your smile."
~Miss Lyss

Sometimes I see people who look nice(in appearance), but their awful attitudes or looks on their face just ruin everything and can even put other people into a bad attitude! I guarantee that you are more beautiful when you smile, so don't forget to do it. And do it often.

I would like a pillow like this. Seems easy to make just felt and it would always be in my house reminding me and others to smile.
Well, lesson of the day: Smile.
"Let your smile change the world. But don't let the world change your smile."
~Miss Lyss
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I Don't Know What I Want
I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
Cause I'm still trying to figure it out
Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
Trying to see through the rain coming down
Even though I'm not the only one
Who feels the way I do
I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in
This world
~Taylor Swift: A Place in this Wold
Sometimes, actually a lot lately, I can totally relate to this song. I know everyone interprets songs differently and we could all say a different meaning. Well, I relate it to life and lately I don't know what I want to do with my future. I'm expected to go to college and yes I want to, but I have NO CLUE what I want to do. I'm only a sophmore, but with classes directed towards certain careers what do I do?!
All I know about my future is I want to marry Prince Charming, even though I don't know who that might be, and I want to have a family. I love kids and always wanted around 5 or maybe even more ;). Yes, I love kids. That being said I want to have a career that is family friendly. I think it would be a dream to have a "pajama job" and work from home. I mean I could wear these all day:
haha. I've thought maybe a job with web design or graphic design could definitely work and would be fun. I'd get to use my creativity and work from where I please. Anywhoo, I'm still looking, but there seems to be great pressure to just know! I'm not rushing to any decisions, but I wish I was one of those kids who just knew.
Another lovely random post, but it was what was on my mind. Well, have a lovely night!
~Miss Lyss
Cause I'm still trying to figure it out
Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
Trying to see through the rain coming down
Even though I'm not the only one
Who feels the way I do
I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in
This world
~Taylor Swift: A Place in this Wold
Sometimes, actually a lot lately, I can totally relate to this song. I know everyone interprets songs differently and we could all say a different meaning. Well, I relate it to life and lately I don't know what I want to do with my future. I'm expected to go to college and yes I want to, but I have NO CLUE what I want to do. I'm only a sophmore, but with classes directed towards certain careers what do I do?!
All I know about my future is I want to marry Prince Charming, even though I don't know who that might be, and I want to have a family. I love kids and always wanted around 5 or maybe even more ;). Yes, I love kids. That being said I want to have a career that is family friendly. I think it would be a dream to have a "pajama job" and work from home. I mean I could wear these all day:

haha. I've thought maybe a job with web design or graphic design could definitely work and would be fun. I'd get to use my creativity and work from where I please. Anywhoo, I'm still looking, but there seems to be great pressure to just know! I'm not rushing to any decisions, but I wish I was one of those kids who just knew.
Another lovely random post, but it was what was on my mind. Well, have a lovely night!
~Miss Lyss
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Snow? Skiing? Something along those lines.
It's been a great week so far...I mean you can't beat a three day week! After church on Sunday my youth group packed up the church van and headed to go skiing/snowboarding. We had tons of fun and the only bad part was when I had to pay $4.25 for a cheeseburger. That price could make ya cry! Goodness! These days I look at it as I had to work more than a half hour for that cheesburger. Luckily I had oh so secretly snuck in a water bottle, apple sauce, and chips and didn't have to pay $2.50 for a water bottle.

It was a nice day and hardly cold at all, but on the down side the snow....I mean ice was really slick and made a horrendous sound when I was on the black diamond! I also had my patience tested many times when I flew down the mountain...I mean hill and had to wait at the bottom for what felt like forever. That's one of the things I'm working on. Patience. It's a virtue, I know. It's just a virtue I don't completely have.
Anywhoo I don't know where this post is going, but isn't that snowflake ridiciously amazing? (It's a real snowflake also.) It's hard to believe each snowflake is unique and just so intricate! Beautiful. I love snow. It is also hard to imagine how many snowflakes make up even just the slightest dusting across my yard. I just got way off topic even though I don't know what the topic is.

Lastly, I love this scene. So simple yet so pretty and elegant. And with that, I leave you.
~Miss Lyss
Friday, January 13, 2012
le happy
fresh baked cupcakes
frozen fields
delicate snowflakes
floppy-eared beagles
pretty pictures
two hour delays
chick flicks
toasty blankets
three day weekends
cozy craftrooms
handmade goodies
laughing with friends
furry boots
swivel chairs
crisp white paper
being productive
blowing bubbles
little kid movies
snow skiing
foreign languages
creamy fudge
new beginnings
fresh whipped cream
movie night
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
Come again some other day
Remember singing this as a kid?! I do! I didn't always want the rain to go away. The truth is, I love rain!! Rain is relaxing. Yeah it makes me want to sleep, but I could use some relaxing-ness every once and a while. As you probably guessed it is raining here today. Rain makes me happy and if it wouldn't get me all wet and messy I'd consider dancing in the rain. Oh and speaking of dancing in the rain, look at this pin!
via etsy.com
And doesn't this lovely outfit make rain even better?! I'd love a cute rain day outfit!

And doesn't this lovely outfit make rain even better?! I'd love a cute rain day outfit!
via pinterest.com
And doesn't every girl kinda want to do this one day? It'll probably be in a long while for me, but eventually maybe!
Ah yes, lovelyness.... Well, have a great day and don't forget to smile :)
Little Miss Lyss
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